
Dreadrise MTG visualisation tool, iteration 3.5

Primary LanguagePython


Repository for the Dreadrise website used in the Penny Dreadful community and the MSE Modern community.

Development setup

  • Install python 3.10+
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
  • Create a MongoDB database for each distribution you're planning to use. They can be on the same or different clusters.
  • Put the connection string into the config/dist/<dname>/secrets.yml file like this: MONGODB_URL: mongodb+srv://user:password@mongo_url/db_name
  • Run pipenv run python run.py website --debug to run the website.
    • By default, runs on localhost:3002
    • --debug enables automatic reload of the Python code and of templates.
  • After you're finished development, run pipenv run python dev.py complete to sort imports and lint the code.

Configuration files explanation

  • Each directory (config as well as config/dist/<dname>) can have up to two files: core.yml and secrets.yml.
  • Secrets are ignored from version control.
  • In the same directory, the secrets override the core settings.
  • Between directories, the distribution directory overrides the main directory.
    • Some configuration variables cannot be overridden by distributions.
  • In addition, environmental variables override the secrets.
    • Envs with the name default__VAR override the default ones. (Note the double underscore)
    • Envs with the name dname__VAR override the ones for a given distribution.
  • The configuration options:
    • Can be overridden by distributions
      • BRAND - has the title which is shown on the website
      • MONGODB_URL - the database connection string (see above)
      • gateway_key - used for external POST requests to /api/gateway
      • allow_disk_use - set this to any non-empty string to allow disk usage when using search. Can accelerate some searches, but does not work on free Atlas clusters.
        • Currently, does not do anything (after the search optimizations).
    • Cannot be overridden
      • DISCORD_CLIENT_ID - used for logins
      • DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET - used for logins
      • session_backend - can be either flask or firestore. firestore enables the session to be stored in the Google Firestore database. Requires the installation of Google python package.
        • Good luck figuring where it takes the secrets from because idr lol
      • secret_key - the cookie key, used for cookie validation
      • PORT - the port the application is run on when using run.py website
      • repo_location - the repository location, used for the update gateway