Vue Carousel 3D - Beautiful, flexible and touch supported 3D Carousel for Vue.js
- 0
Couldn't import in typescript vue
#210 opened by zqlim88 - 13
document is not defined from ssr
#117 opened by qianlanse - 7
Any updates for Vue 3? Could not find a declaration file for module 'vue-carousel-3d'.
#172 opened by MartinFernandezRoberts - 0
Can not use 3d carousel
#209 opened by peterwisu - 1
#195 opened by tony-chooper - 0
#192 opened by qsc19971022 - 1
- 1
Set carousel parameters in javascript
#115 opened by nikwou - 0
Main website side bar problem
#149 opened by MostafaElGamal - 3
Cannot change color of controllers arrow
#158 opened by AWodrich - 1
Bullet point controls
#180 opened by eniotnam - 2
Documentation for Vue 3?
#168 opened by Uhliber - 0
#190 opened - 1
- 6
Carousel displays arrows or one slide only until i inspect element in Google then shows fine
#169 opened by kinger251285 - 0
The page is confused when i quickly click the control button,how to solve the problem?
#186 opened by ss-0904 - 0
HOW about in vite
#182 opened by wzskyline - 0
please add {passive: true} for "touchstart" and "touchmove" and "touchend" events.
#181 opened by nekooee - 0
How to make slides with a link that's activated only for current active slide?
#170 opened by tomasts248 - 2
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Carousel flow on Firefox
#120 opened by cdefy - 3
Change settings for different responsive sizes?
#171 opened by tomasts248 - 3
Document is not defined (Gridsome).
#162 opened by wijionejs - 1
- 0
Document is not defined
#163 opened by wijionejs - 7
Front image disappear
#155 opened by darreola - 1
Carousel not loading on Netlify
#148 opened by rizahassan - 0
strange shuffle effect when go to slide
#156 opened by hanzoz - 3
- 0
Swiping not working on "desktop" touch devices
#154 opened by icebirdmail - 1
- 4
How to use the onMainSlideClick event?
#131 opened by L-K-Mist - 0
Cannot load the UMD module without the a bundler
#151 opened by leolux - 1
Can 'perspective' be set to a negative number ?
#114 opened by Hzzz - 2
Transparent/customisable cover background
#145 opened by Berkmann18 - 0
Can't click input in slide
#146 opened by standfv - 1
- 0
line-clamp in slide doesn't work safari
#144 opened by dennisfrijlink - 0
Can anyone port this library to react ?
#132 opened by roshangm1 - 0
A question about onslidechange method
#130 opened by LongYue9608 - 4
Project Status
#109 opened by lukadriel7 - 0
Issue in Documentation
#127 opened by jacob-san - 0
Feature request: One directional 3dcarousel
#126 opened - 1
Methods not working with IE11
#125 opened by Bloodydan33 - 0
handleMousedown prevents video controls in IE11
#124 opened by adnanhz - 0
- 0
How to Manually Open and End Automatic Rotation
#121 opened by W-Sprites - 0
navigate back when slide right
#119 opened by melan0802 - 3
v0.1.21: swiping movement reversed
#113 opened by shouki-s - 1
On None focused elements
#110 opened by ahnsv