
Code for the Text Normalization Pipeline Presented at GSCL 2013

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION



After you have received the sources of this project, please change to
the project's root directory (i.e. the directory in which this README
file is located) and run the command `source scripts/set_env' or
`. scripts/set_env' from your shell.  Then, run the command `make' (or
`gmake' depending on the system) which will compile all necessary
resources required for work.  Make sure, that all software listed in
PREREQUISITES section is available on your machine prior to building
the project.


This project uses gawk, python2.7, several python modules, bash shell,
and C++ as programming languages for its core utils. A full list of
software packages, which should be installed on your machine for a
successful build is provided below (older versions of some software
may also work, but it is not guaranteed):

- wget
- gawk     >= 4.0.1
- python   >= 2.7.3 <3.1
- bash     >= 4.2.45
- m4       >= 1.4.16
- GNU make >= 3.82
- doxygen  >= 1.8.1 (or set `MAKE_DOC := 0' in Makefile.src)
- g++-4.7  (or set appropriate compiler version in Makefile.src)
- flex     >= 2.5.35  (needed for alchemy-2)
- bison    >= 2.5  (needed for alchemy-2)
- libhunspell >= 1.3.2-4

Python modules:

- langid   >= 1.1.4dev

3-rd Party Software:

- other linguistic modules like `TreeTagger` or `MateParser` which are
used in the pipeline will be automatically downloaded from the Web
during the building procedure using `wget`.


Currently, the two commands that you may be most interested in are
`TextTagger' and `TextParser' which are wrappers around Helmut
Schmid's TreeTagger and Bernd Bohnet's MateParser, respectively.
These commands are in fact shell scripts and you can find them in the
subdirectory `scripts' of the current directory.  The `TextTagger'
command also performs Twitter-aware normalization of input text prior
to doing tagging.  Further commands are still under development.


Please note, that this project is currently rather a prototype and
will sooner or later be re-written in a common NLP-framework like UIMA
or GATE.  Nevertheless, if you find that something crashes, does not
work or does not work as expected, please report this issue to
`uladzimir.sidarenka@uni-potsdam.de', we will be grateful for any
found bugs.  While sending bugs, please also provide information about
1) your operating system, 2) shell and python version you are using
and 3) a succinct description of the issue with 4) a minimal
not-working example and 5) maybe logs, if applicable.


In each directory of this project unless these directories were created
automatically or are ignored by Git, you should find a similar README file
with a short description of the content of that particular directory. The
listing below describes files and folders in the current directory:

List of Directories:
bin/	directory with compiled C++ code
doc/	directory for automatically generated documents (ignored by Git)
include/	directory with header files
lingbin/	directory with compiled linguistic resources
lingsrc/	directory with linguistic rules and resources (e.g. corpora, dictionaries, etc.)
scripts/	script programs used to process data
src/	source C++ code
submodules/	directory for 3-rd party software
tests/	collection of test cases and utilities used for testing
tmp/	directory for storing temporary data (ignored by Git)

List of Files:
Doxyfile	file with rules for building documentation
LICENCES	various licences of this and third party software
Makefile	rules for building whole project
Makefile.lingsrc	rules for building linguistic components of this project
Makefile.src	rules for building C++ sources
Makefile.src	rules for running tests
README	this file