Taskie - A simple Drag-N-Drop React Kanban

Taskie is a simple drag-n-drop kanban that enables the user to do some things like:

  • Be able to create tickets on the board. ✅
  • Be able to move tickets between the various columns in an interactive way, persisting across page refreshes. ✅
  • Be able to share a direct link to the ticket. ✅

It also let:

  • Create your own columns, as many as you want ✅
  • Move Columns and organizing it the way you want ✅
  • Delete tasks ✅
  • Delete Columns ✅

Minimum Requirements

To Run this project you will have to:

  • Have the most recent node version (I have used node v14.17.0 / npm v6.14.13);
  • Have JSON Server installed on your machine;
  • Have Create React App as well;
  • Use Yarn to install packages;


  • After cloning, enter in the project and run yarn, it will install all packages needed;
  • Check the .env file, it is setting the right port it should be making requests on frontend;

I Commited my .env intentionally

  • To start it do yarn serve, this will do 2 things:
    • Start the JSON Server API up on localhost:8000, feel free to edit that on package.json and put in any port you want;
    • Start the React App in the localhost:3000 - it will open automatically in the browser;
    • Be sure to not serve both on the same ports or this will fail;

All the data is comming from data/db.json, so JSON Server simulates all the requests like GET, POST and DELETE

Be sure that the port in the .env and on package.json be the same as it is how the JSON server and react will know how to proceed - without that, any data will not persists between refreshes;

Future things to be improved:

  • Center all the requests into an useReducer;
  • Improve the sharing function by implementing Params API instead of parsing;
  • Add Formik to improve form in general, specially form validation and consistency;
  • Support Markdown on task descriptions;
  • Add Cypress for end-to-end tests;
  • Dark/Light mode switch;
  • Login/Session management with a proper backend API;

Technical assignment front-end engineer

Create a minimal Kanban board on which you can create, view and move tickets between columns.

Your task is to:

  • be able to create tickets on the board.
  • be able to move tickets between the various columns in an interactive way, persisting across page refreshes.
  • be able to share a direct link to the ticket.

You are free to use the tools you prefer, however, we strongly suggest you keep the hard skills of the job offer in mind.

Minimal requirements

The three pillars of front-end development are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We would like to see you know how to use them for the right job.

  • Use React
  • Pay attention to semantics: any HTML might work, but choosing the right tags show you care.
  • Show us you know how to create a modern user interface using your favourite styling solution.
  • Interact with an API. JSON Server can be used to add a fake REST API or you can decide to build your own.


You have one week to complete the assignment. You decide yourself how much time and effort you invest in it, but quality(!) and a reasonable delivery time are always highly appreciated. Please send us an email when you think the assignment is ready for review. Please mention your name, Github username, and a link to what we need to review.