
A declarative permissions engine for guillotina

Primary LanguagePython


Provide declarative permissions for guillotina.

Allow to provide centralized declarative definitions of all the permissions of a data model, including rules that will use the object data to build complex permission settings.



A 'permissions' configuration entry can be completed by the configuration or any application. It is a dictionnary so the different configurations are merged. The key will be ignored and the value is a list of permission rules.

A permission rule is a dict with:

A list of matching expression. Example '{"@type": "User"}' will match any resource with type_name=='User'

A 'roleperm', 'prinrole', 'prinperm' dictionnary, which is a superset of the basic acl lists of guillotina.

Each value can be:

list of string
The current access rule (the item in the 'roleperm' list for example) will be copied for each value of the list. Each value can itself be an expression that will be expanded too.
Will be replaced by the value of the 'xxx' attribute of the object. If the value is a list, the current access rule will be copied for each value found in the list.

Takes the each value(s) returned by .xxx and pass it to the first processor of the pipeline. The result of the processor is passed to the next one, and so on until the last processor.

If the value is a list, the current access rule will be copied for each value found in the list.

will be copied as is.

Example in yaml:

    - match:
        - @type: 'Container'
          - principal:
                @type: User
              expr: {.id}
            role: myapp.ClientProfile
            setting: Allow
          - principal: root
              - guillotina.ContainerAdmin
              - guillotina.Owner
            setting: Allow
          - role: myapp.ClientProfile
              - guillotina.AccessContent
              - guillotina.ViewContent
            setting: Allow


A dictionnary with user defined processors. Each key is a processor name usable in an expression, and each value is a async function that takes (transaction, value).

For example:

async find_user_id_from_email(txn, value):
    user =  # Lookup a user with email==value
    return user.id

app_settings = {
    'permissions_processor': {
        'find_user_id_from_email': find_user_id_from_email
    'permissions': {
        'mine': [{
            'match': [{"@type": "MyType"}],
            'sharing': {
                'prinrole': [{
                    'principal': '{.manager_email_list|find_user_id_from_email}',
                    'role': 'mine.MyTypeManager',
                    'setting': 'Allow'



POST to this service to force recalculation of permissions on a given resource.