
A small example of a Hugo-like Twilio impl.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Twilio Pokemon Emulator

This is a variation on the Twilio blogpost with a tribute to the classic Hugo game, that used to be played by phone on the Israeli Channel 6.

Apparently, this was maybe not real, However, this small implementation is :)


  • Twilio account with a Phone Number
  • ngrok account \ host for the project
  • An running emulator with a game you want to play

How to start:

  1. Clone the project
  2. npm install
  3. ngrok http 3000
  4. Add [your-public-url]/sms & [your-public-url]/voice for Twilio's webhooks
  5. npm start

How to play:

Call the number & enter digits \ SMS a single digit every time:

const keyMap = {
  2: 'up',
  4: 'left',
  6: 'right',
  8: 'down',
  5: 'x', //Confirm
  0: 'z', //Cancel