Apache NetBeans (incubating) web sites
This repository is structured in different subdirectories, for different subdomains.
- netbeans.apache.org
Main Apache NetBeans website
Will be gradually enhanced with content from http://netbeans.org as Oracle approves donation.
Once all content is migrated it may become http://netbeans.org
Changes to "master" are automatically published to http://netbeans.apache.org (see NETBEANS-522 for details)
- bits.netbeans.org
Apache NetBeans API documentation
Will be integrated with http://github.com/apache/incubator-netbeans
Will generate javadocs for each release.
Apache guidelines for web sites
Apache provides different guidelines for project websites. Here are some:
- Project-related non-apache.org domain names
- Apache Website Navigation Links Policy
- Incubator Branding Guide
- Using
for web site publishing, and using branches - Using
to configure the web server - How to manage my project’s webpage
Related issues
Automatic website publishing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-522