
Django Statsd library to track the page load times with Graphite

Primary LanguagePython


django_statsd is a middleware that uses python-statsd to log query and view durations to statsd.


To install simply execute python setup.py install. If you want to run the tests first, run python setup.py test


To install, add the following to your settings.py:

  1. django_statsd to the INSTALLED_APPS setting.
  2. django_statsd.middleware.StatsdMiddleware to the top of your
  3. django_statsd.middleware.StatsdMiddlewareTimer to the bottom of your


You can configure django-statsd using the Django settings config:

>>> # Settings
... STATSD_HOST = ''
... STATSD_PORT = 12345

The full list of configurations is available in ReadTheDocs.

Advanced Usage

>>> def some_view(request):
...     with request.timings('something_to_time'):
...         # do something here
...         pass
>>> def some_view(request):
...     request.timings.start('something_to_time')
...     # do something here
...     request.timings.stop('something_to_time')