
A bucket of data, in the cloud.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Docker Cloud Build Status (UI) Docker Cloud Build Status (API)


Bucket is a cloud application that helps collect data for Data-Centric Design processes.

Key Concepts

A Thing represents a physical or virtual component collecting data. For example, a phone which collects acceleration, a website recording number of page views.

A Property belongs to a Thing and represents an entry point for data. It enables to stream data in and out of a Thing. The PropertyType defines the structure of a property with a series of Dimensions. An example of PropertyType is 'ACCELEROMETER', a structure with three dimensions x, y and z. The Property groups these dimensions as they relate to each other and are updated at the same frequency.

A Consent is a mechanism to share properties with another Thing or with DCD Persons or Groups.


Most Bucket services require authentication via token placed in the Authorization header:

  • A bearer token as a result of an OAuth2 flow

A Person relies on bearer tokens to interact with Bucket. The client (e.g. web or mobile app) must be registered as a DCD hub app.

[Tutorial develop a Python web app]

[Tutorial develop a Flutter mobile app]

  • A JWT token based on public/private keys

A Thing relies on JWT tokens to interact with Bucket. The client generates a set of public and private keys and shares the public key with Bucket. It can then generate JWT tokens with the private key to authenticate itself on Bucket.

[Tutorial develop a Python Thing]

[Tutorial develop an Arduino Thing]

Test with Postman

You can import in Postman the environment (local and cloud) and the API collection from the subfolder bucket-api/postman.


Documentation for the REST API is available here


The MQTT API follow the structure of the REST API. The verb is placed at the end.

Each published payload must be JSON format and content a request ID. This request ID is an identifier of your choice. It is added to responses and logs to recognise what it relates to.


  • Create property /things/:thingId/properties/create


  "requestId": "myId",
  "property": {
    "name": "Prop name",
    "typeId": "ACCELEROMETER"

Response on /things/:thingId/reply


  "requestId": "myId",
  "property": Property
  • Update property /things/:thingId/properties/:propertyId/update


  "requestId": "myId",
  "property": {
    "id": "dcd:properties:....",
      [ timestamp, val, val ],
      [ timestamp, val, val ]
  • Read thing /things/:thingId/read


  "requestId": "myId"

Response on /things/:thingId/reply


  "requestId": "myId",
  "thing": Thing


  • Logs: /things/:thingId/log
  • Request's response: /things/:thingId/reply