
1. Device communication

No one knows

2. Reading data

type: uint8_t
First processing , change char type (uint8_t) to int8 or double (better double)
[ToDo]: how to find f0? (power spectral density)

3. Converting to complex

Device return data as a stream of sequentially IQ data like I1, Q1, I2, Q2 ... etc.
Convert data to complex value like Zn = In + i*Qn.

4. Shifting to baseband

complex_signal * exp(-i*w)
w = 2PI*fc/fs*t - as vector of discrete values with dt step
Euler's formul: exp(i*w) = cos(w) + i*sin(w)

+ filtering IIR:

var 0 1 2 3 4
b 0.0004 0.0015 0.0022 0.0015 0.0004
a 1.0000 -3.2070 3.9205 -2.1578 0.4502

5. Downsampling/decimation

After filtering we discard unnecessary samples by decimation wih factor fs/bwSERV
fs - sample rate
bwSERV - bandwitch of FM service (256e3Hz)

6. FM demodulation

C(n) = C(n) * C*(n-1) <--- conjugate

demodulated(n) = atan2(C(n).Im / C(n).Re)
atan2 - Compute arc tangent with two parameters

Then, decimate signal with factor of bwSERV/bwAUDIO after filtering
b (*e-5):

0.0020    0.0162    0.0567    0.1134    0.1417    0.1134    0.0567    0.0162    0.0020


1.0000   -7.2117   22.9518  -42.0901   48.6330  -36.2476   17.0156   -4.5989    0.5479

7. Mono

Now we have mono singal <3
Normalization is optional - ym = ym /(max(abs(ym))+0.001)

8. PLL

Pilot signal in FM modulation is 19kHz signal around 38kHz. This freq and second harmonic give us left and right channel.
PLL is used to find pilot phase.

9. Stereo

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