UCSD Silence Fast-Forward (SFF)

Browser extension that fast-forwards or skips UCSD podcasts when it detects scilence, reducing the amount of time you are waiting for the professor to talk.

Screen Recording 2024-02-08 at 2 59 04 AM


Chrome Store

If you use Google chrome, Opera, Brave, Microsoft edge, or most other chromium based browsers you are likely able to just install the extension from google's web store: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ucsd-get-to-yapping/hhambeeokedhfflpgbkcbobiadfbmbfp?hl=en

How to install without Chrome Store

How to install manually:

  1. Download this repository.
  2. Open extensions page in your browser.
  3. Enable developer mode.
  4. Press "Load unpacked extension" and then select the folder you downloaded from this page.

The steps may vary depending on the browser used. You can always look up "How to install unpacked extension in [Your browser name]?" and you are likely to find a detailed explanation.

Optional Donation

Donate a cup of coffee if you liked the extension.