Note: This package currently caters for bearer token based app access only. I plan to expand this as V2 matures. I'm @coderjerk on Twitter if you want to discuss.
These endpoints are early access so subject to change. This package does not support old v1.1 endpoints.
- API v2
- Tweets
- Recent Search
- Lookup
- Filtered Stream (basic support)
- Timeline
- Users
- Follows Lookup
- User Lookup
- Tweets
To use this package you must have an approved developer account, and have activated the new developer portal.
Learn more about getting access to the Twitter API v2 endpoints:
Twitter Recent Search Endpoint API Reference
Lookup Multiple Tweets API Reference
Lookup Single Tweets API Reference
Note that operator support is quite sparse at the moment which makes the use of tweets and media more than a little risky in some contexts - for example filtering NSFW content is not yet possible. I don't know if this is in Twitter's plans or not.
Install via composer.
$ composer require coderjerk/elephant-bird
Bearer token support only for now. Copy the contents of .env.example to .env in your project and populate with your own credentials that you have set up for your project in the Twitter dev portal. If you aren't using .env in your project, you will need to set it up, details here
Search the 14 most recent tweets relating to football and containing images.
use Coderjerk\ElephantBird\RecentSearch;
$params = [
'query' => 'football',
'max_results' => 14,
$search = new RecentSearch;
$result = $search->RecentSearchRequest($params);
$tweets = $result->data;
Search for media:
use Coderjerk\ElephantBird\RecentSearch;
$params = [
'query' => 'dancing has:images ',
'tweet.fields' => 'attachments,author_id,created_at',
'expansions' => 'attachments.media_keys',
'media.fields' => 'public_metrics,type,url,width',
'max_results' => 10,
$search = new RecentSearch;
$result = $search->RecentSearchRequest($params);
$media = $result->includes->media;
Lookup details about multiple tweets by Id - if a single id is provided Elephant Bird will choose the single tweet endpoint:
use Coderjerk\ElephantBird\TweetLookup;
$ids = [
$params = [
'tweet.fields' => 'attachments,author_id,created_at,public_metrics,source'
$lookup = new TweetLookup;
$tweets = $lookup->getTweetsById($ids, $params);
Get a given user's Tweets.
use Coderjerk\ElephantBird\TimeLine;
$timeline = new TimeLine;
$params = [
'tweet.fields' => 'attachments,author_id,created_at,public_metrics,source'
$tweets = $timeline->getTweets('802448659', $params);
Get a given user's mentions.
use Coderjerk\ElephantBird\TimeLine;
$timeline = new TimeLine;
$params = [
'tweet.fields' => 'attachments,author_id,created_at,public_metrics,source'
$mentions = $timeline->getMentions('802448659', $params);
Lookup a single user by username:
use Coderjerk\ElephantBird\UserLookup;
$params = [
'user.fields' => 'id'
$usernames = [
$userLookup = new UserLookup;
$user = $userLookup->lookupUsersByUsername($usernames, $params);
Lookup multiple users by id:
use Coderjerk\ElephantBird\UserLookup;
$ids = [
$userLookup = new UserLookup;
$user = $userLookup->lookupUsersById($ids, $params);
Get Followers
use Coderjerk\ElephantBird\FollowsLookup;
$follows = new FollowsLookup;
$params = [
'tweet.fields' => 'attachments,author_id,created_at,public_metrics,source'
$followers = $follows->getFollowers('802448659', $params);
Get Following
use Coderjerk\ElephantBird\FollowsLookup;
$follows = new FollowsLookup;
$params = [
'tweet.fields' => 'attachments,author_id,created_at,public_metrics,source'
$following = $follows->getFollowing('802448659', $params);
Fork/download the code and run
composer install
This package is in the early stages of development. Issues, pull requests and other contributions most welcome.
You can look at the project board here for upcoming features: