A powerful task manager app for Infotech mediacenter. It is realy simple to create, administrate and implement tasks.
At first you need to be in <repository_location>/taksamanager. Then run the following command:
docker compose up -d
P. S. To disable database you need to run:
docker compose down
You must run postgres in container before doing syncronization between schema and database!!!
To run the app correctly you need to sync database schema with real database in docker conatiner. To do this run command:
yarn prisma db push
Also you can track your database in real time. To do this, run:
yarn prisma studio
After that go to http://localhost:5555 and select the database schema what you would like to track.
To start all application in dev mode you need change your working directoty to <repository_location>/taksamanager and install packages by command:
yarn install
Or install packages separatly by follwing commands:
yarn install:server
yarn install:client
If all packages already installed run this command to start a full application:
yarn dev
Or start backend and frontend separately:
yarn dev:server
yarn dev:client
Taksamanager use a google forms api to parse tasks from google forms responses. Form available here. Tasks are automatically parsed every 5 minutes. Questetions are automatically parsed every hour.
But if you need to do it forced you should send PATCH request to /api/v1/tasks/templates and /api/v1/tasks/responses
It is highly recomended after starting new server with empty database
All documentation of API methods is available at http://localhost:3200/api/v1.