
remove database bans from blacklisted/revoked licenses


Long story short, wanted to reverse how the endurance matches champions are selected at the towers of MK, found an idb for sega rom which was created with a 20 year blacklisted license by Rico Baumgart with ID 48-325F-7034-FF. Even with an active PRO license u are unable to open a blacklisted created idb.

To achieve opening a blacklisted database we patch the code thats always past the MD5s and looks like this:

mov     rdx, rbx
lea     rcx, [rsp+0A8h+var_88]
call    MD5Update
lea     rdx, [rsp+0A8h+var_88]
lea     rcx, [rsp+0A8h+var_28]
call    MD5Final
mov     rdx, [rsp+0A8h+var_20]
lea     rax, qword_10315B00
mov     r8, [rsp+0A8h+var_28]
xor     ecx, ecx
cmp     rdx, [rax+8]

for pre7 ida with its custom extension modules:
pattern:E8 ? ? ? ? B0 01 5E C3 <-- 74 ? ? ? ? B0 01 5E C3
patch: 0003549F: EB 74

for post7:
48 3B 50 08 EB 00 <-- 48 3B 50 08 74 2A
EB 00 48 83 C3 10 <-- 74 3A 48 83 C3 10
001D94FB: EB 74
001D94FC: 00 2A
001D962B: EB 74
001D962C: 00 3A

representation: patched <-- original

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