
Biblio: Team 5's term project for SOEN 343 in Concordia University - Fall 2018

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SOEN343 Team 5 Concordia University Fall 2018

Team 5's term project for SOEN 343 at Concordia University - Fall 2018

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo
  2. $ cd into/project/directory
  3. $ export DATABASE_URL='postgres://hizxyalrympljm:3f4cd73544ce42e3aade5131e9d72f3d4032b8e69ac8fc37d8b8186cf3de4a3d@ec2-54-83-27-165.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/d6a0flgsl8bp0c'
    • note: this URL is only left here to allow the Professor and Teaching Assistants access to the project localy. Otherwise, for security reasons it would be taken down.
  4. $ npm install
  5. $ npm start
  6. visit localhost:3000 in your browser


  1. Visit soen343t5.herokuapp.com to view the live production website.

Check out the wiki for more information on getting started.

Project Information

Team Member Info

Name Student ID Email GitHub
Abdulla Alhaj Zin 40013496 abdullah.hzen@gmail.com @abdullahzen
Nizar Belhassan 27519443 M.nizar.belhassan@gmail.com @Legendary-Griffin
Dave Bhardwaj 40000679 davebhardwaj1@gmail.com @WolfOfTheNorth, @davebhardwajaero
Kenza Boulisfane 40043521 kenza.boulisfane@gmail.com @bkenza
Kevin Camellini 26771009 kevincamellini@gmail.com @kcamcam
Kayne Herrmann 40007153 kh_group@outlook.com @kkhh001
Giovanni Gebran 40018637 ggebran95@gmail.com @ggebran
Kevin Lin 40002383 Lin_Kevin_1995@hotmail.com @AznBoy00
Nour El Natour 40013102 nour_elnatour@hotmail.com @nourelnatour
Kevin Yau 27058276 kevin.yau@outlook.com @Kycoding