
A minimalist port occupier that aggressively holds TCP ports for testing and development purposes.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

PortHog 🐖

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A minimalist port occupier that aggressively holds TCP ports for testing and development purposes.

Perfect for reserving ports during CI/CD pipelines or local environment setup.

Features 🚀

  • Multi-port occupancy with comma-separated values
  • Port range support using start-end syntax
  • Instant connection termination (RST packets)
  • Graceful shutdown with SIGINT/SIGTERM handling
  • Connection monitoring with detailed logging
  • Zero dependencies easy to use

Installation 📦

# Install latest version
go install github.com/WolfYangFan/PortHog@latest

or use Github Actions Artifact

Usage 💻


porthog -p PORT_SPEC


# Single port + range combination
porthog -p 8080,9000-9005,12345

# Development mode with debug logs
porthog -p 3000-3010 --level debug

Sample Output

2025/01/30 INFO PortHog started version=dev commit=unknown pid=114514
2025/01/30 INFO Port occupied successfully port=80
2025/01/30 INFO Received signal - initiating graceful shutdown... signal=interrupt
2025/01/30 DEBUG Closing listener port=80
2025/01/30 DEBUG Stopping listener port=80
2025/01/30 INFO Shutdown completed

Technical Details 🔧

Port Handling

  • Uses raw TCP listeners with SO_REUSEADDR
  • Immediate connection reset (SO_LINGER=0)
  • Background goroutine per port

Signal Handling

graph TD
    A[SIGINT/SIGTERM] --> B{Active Listeners?}
    B -->|Yes| C[Close Listeners]
    C --> D[Wait 5s Timeout]
    D --> E[Force Exit]
    B -->|No| E

Contributing 🤝

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit changes (git commit -m 'Add amazing feature')
  4. Push to branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Please follow our Code of Conduct.

License 📜

MIT License - see LICENSE for details.

"Hog those ports like there's no tomorrow!" 🐽💻