
Isomorphic Stack - what, you thought this was something else??

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project was started with the react isomorphic boilerplate as an isomorphic application in React.js.


  • React.js
  • Webpack
  • Express
  • react-router
  • Babel
  • Jade
  • npm-run-all

Installation instructions


Git Node

In the project's directory, run the following commands:

 $ npm install
 $ npm start

In Windows npm can not yet run operation in parallel so we add in npm-run-all
Change the start command in package.json to:
"start": "npm-run-all --parallel watch-js dev-server server",

 $ npm install
 $ npm install --save-dev npm-run-all
 $ npm start

When the servers are started, visit http://localhost:3000 to see a Hello world page.

Next steps:

  • Add flux.
  • Drop in better CSS
  • Improve the build task system. Using npm scripts is definitely the simplest but a quick look at the package.json shows how complicated it can quickly become.
  • Separate out dev and prod environments using Jade and multiple webpack configuration files
  • Improve the hierarchy of the folders. server is a mess right now and should be cleaned up/separated into a structure that makes more sense and is easier to maintain.
  • Make the server rendering and client rendering asynchronous
  • Parse data from static json files and populate on page
  • Add in SuperAgent for retrieving that data live
  • Form support for sending info back through webapi
  • Add registration/authentication/authorization (g+/Facebook/custom)
  • Upload files


This repo was based on react isomorphic boilerplate by jmfurlott