
Server-side addon to make minedetectors useful on higher difficulty settings.

Primary LanguageSQF


Server-side addon to make minedetectors useful on higher difficulty settings. Players with a mine detector will hear a crescending high-pitched sound the closer they get to a mine. The sound is very audible to themselves but very faint to people in their close vincinity.

Download .zip and run the pbo as addon on your server. Requires CBA.

Version history
v1 - 12/03/2015 - initial release
v2 - 12/03/2015 - added directional detection and misc. tweaks

Known issues
The sound can appear to 'lag' behind the player's movement. This is because it is played from the player's eyes as 'source'. Thus, head movement can make the sound appear positional.

Credits & Contact
Wolfenswan (wolfenswanarps@gmail.com)
Love to Folk ARPS for whom this was made.