Git Challenge

This is an exercise to practice git branches and merging.

Start by creating a fork of this project.

For each task create a new branch and

Getting Started

  • Fork the project
  • Clone the fork
  • Create a develop branch
  • For each story create a new feature branch (choose a short but descriptive name in kebap-case). Always branch out from the develop branch
  • Implement the feature and tick it off in this Readme
  • When you have completed all stories from a sprint, merge them one by one into the develop branch.
    • Before you merge do a rebase --interactive on the develop branch. That's a chance to clean up your commit messages, squash commits, etc... and it ensures that there won't be any forks in the develop log.
    • If you encounter conflicts during the rebase, fix and stage them using git add and then run git rebase --continue
  • When all feature branches from a sprint are merged, merge the develop branch into the master.

Sprint 1

Sprint 2

  • Add a stylesheet file
  • Change the font to Open Sans (import from Google Fonts)
  • Set the maximum width of the body to 800px and center the text on the page

Sprint 3