InExile is a simple 2D brawler platformer with 3 game modes. The main objective of the game is to get a high score, and each mode gives the player a different approach to achieve that.
In each game mode the gameplay is simple. The player can move left, right, jump and perform a 3combo attack to kill enemies. Enemies will approach the player from either side of the map and perform either a jumping attack, ranged attack or a melee attack to kill the player. If the player dies, then game is over, and they must try again to get a higher score.
When picking a game mode, the player can select from 3 varying levels of difficulty: easy, normal and hard. The higher the difficulty, the more punishing the enemies and the more points they are worth. The player also has the choice if fighting enemies on 2 different maps with different platform layouts.
In ‘Classic’ mode the player fights through waves to get a high score. Each wave is slightly more difficult than the last and for each enemy killed the player gains some points. The game only ends when the player dies.
In ‘TimeAttack’ mode the game starts with a countdown timer. Instead of waves, enemies flow constantly and the player must kill as many as they can before time runs out. For each enemy killed the player gains a small time bonus and some points. If time runs out or the player dies, then the game is over.
In ‘Survival’ mode there are no waves of timers. Instead, players face an endless onslaught of enemies and to get a high score they need to kill as many as possible before they die.