Make a new workspace
mkdir -p percep_ws/src
Clone the ROS-Perception-Pipeline repository
Now go ahead and clone this repository inside the "src" folder of the workspace you just created.
cd percep_ws/src
git clone
Make the package
We'll need to "make" everything in our catkin workspace so that the ROS environment knows about our new package. (This will also compile any necessary code in the package). Execute the given commands in your terminal.
colcon build --symlink-install
Now you will need to source your workspace
source install/local_setup.bash
1. Launch the Playground simulation
We have made a demo playground world to test our pipeline. To launch this world, follow the steps given below
ros2 launch perception_bringup
The above command will launch the playground world as shown below :
Don't forget to click on the play button on the bottom left corner of the Ignition Gazebo window
2. Launch the Object Detection node
Use the pip install command as shown below to install the required packages.
pip install -r src/ros-perception-pipeline/object_detection/requirements.txt
Use the command given below to run the ObjectDetection node. Remember to change the path of the object_detection.yaml file according to your present working directory
ros2 run object_detection ObjectDetection --ros-args --params-file src/ros-perception-pipeline/object_detection/config/object_detection.yaml
3. Changing the Detector
To change the object detector being used, you can change the parameters inside the object_detection.yaml file location inside the config folder.
Now to see the inference results, open a new terminal and enter the given command
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view