
An old project. A simple Gameboy Advance sound synth written in assembly. Basically just an interface to direct access to the GameBoy Advance's sound hardware. Allows playing in any key in the second to fifth octaves (with a minor exception in the Cb Maj second octave due to the hardware not being capable of producing the note Cb2).

Primary LanguageAssembly

The key L is the base note of the key's scale (displayed in the bottom left)
As an example here are the keys for Cmaj:
		L 	= C
		Left 	= D
		Down 	= E
		Right 	= F
		Up 	= G
		B 	= A
		A 	= B
		R 	= C (one octave higher than L)

The Setup screen allows you to toggle the bits on
the Length/Wave Duty/Envelope Register.
Changes apply to both channels 1 and 2.

Pressing B on the setup screen enables the use of the Length.
Larger numbers mean shorter time.

For more information on the GBA's sound system check one of these sites:
 * http://nocash.emubase.de/gbatek.htm#gbasoundcontroller
 * http://www.cs.rit.edu/~tjh8300/CowBite/CowBiteSpec.htm#Sound%20Controls

	- David Shere <wolliw@sonic.net>