Valinor takes care of the construction and validation of raw inputs (JSON, plain arrays, etc.) into objects, ensuring a perfectly valid state. It allows the objects to be used without having to worry about their integrity during the whole application lifecycle.
The validation system will detect any incorrect value and help the developers by providing precise and human-readable error messages.
The mapper can handle native PHP types as well as other advanced types supported by PHPStan and Psalm like shaped arrays, generics, integer ranges and more.
composer require cuyz/valinor
final class Country
public function __construct(
/** @var non-empty-string */
public readonly string $name,
/** @var list<City> */
public readonly array $cities,
) {}
final class City
public function __construct(
/** @var non-empty-string */
public readonly string $name,
public readonly DateTimeZone $timeZone,
) {}
$json = <<<JSON
"name": "France",
"cities": [
{"name": "Paris", "timeZone": "Europe/Paris"},
{"name": "Lyon", "timeZone": "Europe/Paris"}
try {
$country = (new \CuyZ\Valinor\MapperBuilder())
->map(Country::class, \CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\Source\Source::json($json));
echo $country->name; // France
echo $country->cities[0]->name; // Paris
} catch (\CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\MappingError $error) {
// Handle the error…
The full documentation is available on
Credits & thank you
The development of this library is mainly motivated by the kind words and the help of many people. I am grateful to everyone, especially to the contributors of this repository who directly help to push the project forward.
I also want to thank
for providing a license of their awesome tool, leading to notable performance
gains when using this library.