
Single-click tools to "extract movies, images and text right to editable state" and "pack all it back". Or as simple as I am able to make it :D (WIP)

Primary LanguagePython

CatSystem2 Simple Translating Tools

Single-click tools to "extract text right into editable state" and "pack all it back". Or as simple as I am able to make it :D (WIP)

In case of troubles you also can contact me (faster) at Discord: sherekhanromeo


  • Python 3.10+ and its modules:
  • pip install pandas
  • pip install xlsxwriter
  • pip install colorama
  • pip install openpyxl

Changelog v0.8.1:

  • Basic stable .cstl files translation support (TODO: automate language-related indexes)
  • Code fixes

Next goal: rewrite code for multithreading support and make it into UI.

HUGE thanks to Trigger and his TriggersTools.CatSystem2 wiki for gathering all info on CS2 file formats and tools in one place!

How to use:

  1. copy .bat files and tools folder into your game folder
  2. run 1) unpack.bat to get:
    • source game files will be all extracted game files. They are there for references, if you need them - copy them into other folder and edit them there.
    • translate here folder with .xlsx (and sometimes also.ini) files that contains all translatable text
  3. translate names in translate here/nametable.xlsx and run 2) apply names translations.bat to apply names translations to all .xslx files in translate here/clean texts/ folder. (made for exact names placing to make sure some in-game features still work)
  4. running 3) pack.bat will generate updateXX.in archive with files included:
    • all translations from translate here/clean localization texts/ .ini files will be automatically converted into .cstl game scenes scripts
    • all translations from translate here/clean texts/ .xlsx files will be automatically converted into .cst game scenes scripts
    • all files from subfolders in translate here/your files AS IS folder (do NOT place files directly in your files AS IS - they will be ignored! Use your files AS IS/other folder for that)
  • IN THIS CASE TRANSLATE USING ONLY .cstl/.ini FILES. (unless you know what you're doing :D)

Unpacker features:

  1. extracts:
    • .int archives (using exkifint_v3.exe by asmodean)
    • .cst into .txt (using cs2_decompile.exe by Trigger)
    • .cstl into .ini (using cstl_tool.zip by Trigger)
    • also extracts everything worth translating into .xlsx files inside according folder
  2. places files in according folders:
    • source game files folder with original game files used later as reference
      • folder texts with .txt files (already unpacked from .cst files)
      • folder for manual processing with other files:
        1. folder animations with .anm files
        2. folder images with .hg2 and .hg3 files
        3. folder movies with .mpg files
        4. folder scripts with .fes and .kcs files
        5. folder sounds with .ogg and .wav files
    • translate here folder with everything ready to be translated or packed:
      • folder clean texts with .xslx files containing main game texts (extracted from text .txt files, will be used by this tool to generate new scene-files for your game)
      • folder clean localization texts with .ini files containing main game localizations
      • folder your files AS IS with categories (files you add there will be packed into archive, but won't be changed by this tool)

Packer features:

  1. copies original game files from source game files/texts folder and nametable.csv, applies translations to them and packs translated files
  2. takes all files in translate here/your files AS IS subfolders and packs them "as is"

Tested on games:

  1. Amakano+ (non-steam, unrated) = ✅ success
  2. Grisaia no Kajitsu (non-steam, unrated) and (steam, all-ages) = ✅ success
  3. Grisaia no Meikyuu (non-steam, unrated) = ✅ success
  4. Grisaia no Rakuen (non-steam, unrated) = ✅ success
  5. NekoPara vol.3 (non-steam, unrated) = ✅ success
  6. The girl who's called the world (non-steam, unrated) = ✅ success
  7. Yuki Koi Melt (non-steam, unrated) = ✅ success

Known problems:

  1. ShiftJIS (game engine encoding) doesn't support use of some specific symbols from some languages:

    • Ää, Öö, Üü, ß from German;
    • Áá, Ââ, Ãã, Àà, Çç, Éé, Êê, Íí, Óó, Ôô, Õõ, Úú from portuguese;
    • Ññ from Spanish;
    • Èè, Ëë, Îî, Ïï, Ûû, Ùù, Ÿÿ from French; etc.

    Possible solution = create and use custom font that shows required unsupported symbols instead of unused symbols (f.e. Cyrillic ones), E.g.: you need the game to show word Färbung so you type something like Fьrbung and font shows ь as ä. Added it into ToDo list, will try to solve later.