
XboxLive oauth2 login for vweb

Primary LanguageV

vweb XboxLive oauth2

You can integrate this into your vweb project

To run it, do v run main.v

Upon first start, the code will panic and a login.conf file will be generated. You must fill it with your ClientID, ClientSecret and RedirectURI, which you can find on Azure.



Register an azure application at https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/RegisteredApps

Your ClientID is the Application (client) ID


In your application, head over to Certificates & Secrets tab and click + New client secret.

Your ClientSecret is the Value field of the secret you added


In your application, head over to Authentication tab and click + Add a platform.

Select Web and you will be asked to input Redirect URIs.

Your RedirectURI will send the client to /signin. Since both index() and signin() are defined as websites in this project and therefore both handled by main.v, you should configure it to <url_to_index>/signin

Additional information

  • You can modify main.v to suit your needs. Some people might want a button or link to "log in using Xbox Live" instead. Currently there is app.redirect(request_url) in index(). request_uri is the "log in using Xbox Live" webpage by Microsoft

  • You can move the signin() web handler to another file. You might need to modify your RedirectURI in BOTH Azure and login.conf

  • In signin() you can access all kinds of variables, which can be used in the template or to extend functionality, i.e. saving the xuid in a session cookie or do database requests and redirects

  • I tested the app on debian 9, ubuntu 20.4 (port 80 and 443) and windows 10 (as localhost, port 80)