
Everything you need to get started with Localization in ServiceNow

ServiceNow Localization

This repo contains everything you need to get started with Localization in ServiceNow with resources and code samples for beginners.

Where should I even start?

The Phases of Localization in ServiceNow:

  1. Before you Start - Plan the Localization Strategy
  2. When you Start - Find Missing Translations
  3. Somewhere in the Middle - Establish Design and Development Standards
  4. After Go-Live - Test the Localization Implementation
  5. In the Future - Maintain the Localization Implementation

Here's the link to our Knowledge CreatorCon 2022 Session: Five things I wish I knew before attempting to localize my scoped application so you can learn more about these different phases! [LINK] (You can also check out the slides here. [LINK])


While the slides presented a high level overview of these different localization phases, the following contents are intended to go more in depth with additional explanations and examples.

Find Missing Translations:

Our tool: Clear Skye I18N Scanner Utility - We are using this to help us dig up all those pesky strings in our scripts, but we made it after we recorded our session so we didn't get to talk about it. Oh well - now we have a topic for next year!

Establish Design and Development Standards:


To learn more, check out:


Have something you think should be included here? Let us know!