
iOS Custom UIScrollView Class to display static text / views with a vertical parallax effect

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT



MMParallaxPresenter is a UIScrollView that displays text / views with a vertical parallex effect.


  • ARC
  • iOS 5.0+


  1. MMParallaxPresenter can be installed via CocoaPods by adding pod 'MMParallaxPresenter' to your podfile, or you can manually add MMParallaxPage.h/.m and MMParallaxPresenter.h/.m into your project.
  2. Drag and drop a UIScrollView into your Interface Builder and under the custom class section, subclass your UIScrollView to MMParallaxPresenter
  3. Now add: @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet MMParallaxPresenter *mmParallaxPresenter; to your list of properties and dont forget to link it up in your Interface Builder


Add a MMParallaxPage to the MMScrollPresenter. To do this, you have three init methods at your disposal. All the default views are shown in the above gif in this order:

	- (id)initWithScrollFrame:(CGRect)scrollFrame withHeaderHeight:(int)height 
		andContentText:(NSString *)contentText;
	- (id)initWithScrollFrame:(CGRect)scrollFrame withHeaderHeight:(int)height 
		withContentText:(NSString *)contentText andContextImage:(UIImage *)image;
	- (id)initWithScrollFrame:(CGRect)scrollFrame withHeaderHeight:(int)height 
		andContentView:(UIView *)contentView;

This shows how to initalize and setup a page and add it to your presenter:

	MMParallaxPage *page1 = [[MMParallaxPage alloc] 
		withHeaderHeight:150 andContentText:[self sampleText]];
	page1.headerLabel.text = @"Section 1";
	[page1.headerView addSubview:[[UIImageView alloc] 
		initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"stars.jpeg"]]];
	[self.scrollView addParallaxPageArray:@[page1]];


MMParallaxPresenter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.