
Results for the REST CRUD API section of the udemy course for spring boot.

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Boot Lookup

This page is based on a tutorial by the famous Chad the Tutor. To make it run please execute the following steps:

  1. Install maven
  2. Clone the repository
  3. Run maven install mvn install
  4. Execute the steps to set up the Postgres DB
  5. Go to the folder gravel and run the command mvn spring-boot:run

POSTGRES setup for JDBC/hibernate

First Install postgresql and check installation from your console with the command psql --version (keep your password in mind).

For Customization (optional)

  1. Log in as postgres user with psql -U postgres and create a database with CREATE DATABASE <db-name>;
  2. Create a new role with limited permissions for spring boot with CREATE ROLE <role-name> WITH PASSWORD '<password>';
  3. Give log in permissions to the new role with ALTER ROLE <role-name> WITH LOGIN;
  4. Grant privileges to new role with GRANT CREATE, DROP ON DATABASE <db-name> TO <role-name>;
  5. Update the SQL scripts to match your requirements

SQL setup scripts

To set up all the tables for this application it is recommended to use the scripts in numeric order.

  1. You can open a CLI and navigate to the repo folder to execute psql -U postgres -f .\01_setup-data.sql
  2. If the data script was successful you can execute psql -U postgres -f .\02_setup-security.sql

Run the application

Either you can use the embedded version of maven running .\gravel\mvnw.cmd spring-boot:run or you can install maven, go to the gravel directory and run mvn spring-boot:run.