
This script is meant to open existing layout, create an IDML file, Save as a new layout and then relink the images and Studio articles to the new layout

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This script is meant to open existing layout, create an IDML file, Save as a new layout and then relink the images and Studio articles to the new layout


The goal of this script is to fix what are known as 'phantom' links that are being created in InDesign layouts when a file that was created in an older version of InDesign is opened in a new version of InDesign.

The idea of this script is to allow a user to create a new layout by first exporting an IDML file from an existing InDesign layout. The script will then save the layout into Enterprise and attempt to relink the images that are in Enterprise to the 'new' layout.


Some notes about the script:

  1. The layout and images must be in a Dossier.

  2. If a image file is linked to a local filesystem the IDML process doesn't break that link

  3. If the image file is directly linked to Elvis and the Elvis InDesign plugin is installed the Elvis plugin will relink the file.

  4. If the Image file is a link to an asset in Enterprise the script will try to relink that image

Testing Configuration for layouts

My test layout contained the following types of linked assets:

  1. 2 Articles that have components across spreads and at least 3 components pers articl
  2. 4 Images were included in the layout: 1 linked to local file, 1 linked to a Enterprise shadow object, 1 linked to an asset inside of Enterprise (not in Elvis) and 1 asset linked directly to Elvis