RelfinderReformed frontend

What is this ?

Relfinder is an implementation of the now deprecated relfinder. Paired with an API it will show the relations between rdf entities.

Env variables

Name Required - default value Description
RFR_API_URL ✅ (if DISABLE_REDIRECT isn't set to false) - "/api" (targets the same host) or"http://localhost:8080/" in the docker to avoid looping (see description) URL to a RelfinderReformed API, when using the nginx container it makes a 301 on that url when querying on the "/api" endpoint
DISABLE_REDIRECT ❌ - "" When set to it will disable the redirect to the "/api" route, useful when serving the frontend from the same server as the API

Run locally with npm

npm run start

# or if you want to change the api url with an env variable prefix it with ``REACT_APP_``
# React does that for security reasons

REACT_APP_RFR_API_URL= npm run start

Build and run the project

docker build . -t rfrfront
docker run -e RFR_API_URL= -p 8080:8080 rfrfront