
This project shows how to implement Fishnet networking with Hurricane VR

Primary LanguageC#

Hurricane VR Fishnet Example Project

This project shows how to implement Fishnet for Hurricane VR. Only some parts of HurricaneVR are networked, such as: Player, Grabbables, Socketing, Destructibles, and Damage.

This project is intended to have a dedicated server and has not been fully tested in client hosted mode.


  • Unity 2022.3.11f1
  • Fishnet Version: 3.11.7R
  • Hurricane VR Version: 2.9.1i
  • Windows/Linux Server build
  • Quest 3 client build

Getting Started

  • Setup a Unity project that contains both Fishnet and Hurricane VR
  • Pull this repository into the Assets folder of the project
  1. Build a dedicated server:
    • Add the example scene to the build settings as the first scene
    • Locally build and run for your target platform (Dedicated Server Windows/Linux)
    • OR
    • Build and Deploy with PlayFlow Cloud. Then assign the IP of the server to the NetworkManager Tugboat.ClientAddress in scene. (requires Linux Dedicated Server)
    • Test in the editor and/or build a client
  2. Client Hosted:
    • Find the NetworkHudCanvas and change the auto start type to Host
    • Test in the editor and/or build a client
    • If you wanted to connect a second client you would need to change the auto start type to Client and then set the Tugboat.ClientAddress to the host's IP address


  • There is currently a problem with scaling socketed items
  • All networked grabbables should start with their transforms being in world space, if parented all parents must have their position and rotation at 0, and their scale at 1. *This should be resolved, all grabbables unparent when the game starts to ensure server and clients are syncing correctly.
  • All NetworkGrabbles return to server authority when a client disconnects to prevent them from being removed from the scene.