Bonk - Paper - Scissors or BPS is one of the first implementations of hashing-based commit-hash to reveal and fully on-chain game which is fully PVP, burning the base token in the process, by making BPS, we want to create a community of players who thrive in a fun game where they can stake their tokens and the winner takes it all. Not only this implementation allows for future reveal-like card games, but it settles itself on a fun and free community.

Contract addresses:

  • bonk8yVf477u7s7nqttS6VXFTCjbV2S5MKxmojGAa4i - BPS Token Based Contract (MAINNET).
  • 32TtZ4MYWk6zzwg8Eok3x6m85JQgcVsN97cGfUhfpNb9 - TEST Token Based Contract (MAINNET) (Ask misterkevin.sol for test tokens).