
An open Mars Curiosity Rover simulator.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An open Mars Curiosity Rover simulator, intended for modern science education and outreach.

The Project

This repo includes a CLI for easy installation of all the software components. The project is spread across multiple repos listed below:


The CLI is a Node.js application, so you need to have node installed (I prefer nvm over the standard installer because, you know, it's the way that things are done).

Once node is installed, make sure to have git installed as well as bower and forever as global packages:

npm i -g bower forever

I also use yarn package manager, so you can install that too if you feel like being modern:

npm i -g yarn

Next, install the mars-rover CLI:

npm i -g uct-mars-rover


yarn global add uct-mars-rover

Install the mars rover projects by running the following in a desired directory:

mars-rover install

and start and stop the server using:

mars-rover start-server
mars-rover stop-server

Note that for video streaming, kurento-media-server@6 is required, which only supports Linux operating systems. It can be downloaded from here and can be started by running:

sudo service kurento-media-server-6.x start