
Pans and zooms images while loading additional detail on the fly.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Dynamic Photo Zoom

// TODO: convert to modular / class based javascript

Pans and zooms images while loading additional detail on the fly.

How to include the script

The includes can be added to the HTML document:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/zoom.css"/>
<script src="./js/zoom.js" type="module"></script>

Or as a Javascript module:

import { Zoom } from 'js/zoom.js';

How to add the markup

<figure id="zoomExample" class="useful-zoom">
  <a href="img/photo_0_large.jpg" 
      <img src="./img/photo_0_small.jpg" width="512" height="384" title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"/>

href: {url} - Path to the large version of the image.

src: {url} - Path to the small version of the image.

data-width|height: {integer} - Maximum bitmap size.

data-left|right|top|bottom: {float} - Starting zoom position between 0 and 1.

How to start the script

var zoom = new Zoom({
  'element' : document.getElementById('zoomExample'),
  'tileSource' : 'php/imageslice.php?src={src}&left={left}&top={top}&right={right}&bottom={bottom}&width={width}&height={height}',
  'tileCache' : 128,
  'tileSize' : 128,
  'allowRotation' : false

element : {DOM node} - The target element for the script.

tileSource : {url} - A webservice that provides image tiles (PHP example included).

tileCache : {integer} - The amount of tiles that can be active at one time. Reduce this to save memory at the expense of bandwidth.

tileSize : {integer} - The horizontal and vertical size of each tile in pixels.

allowRotation : {boolean} - Enable or disable rotation as well as pan and zoom.

How to control the script



Applies a set of transformations all at once in an animated manner.

transformation : {left, top, zoom, rotate} - An object containing transformations to apply at once.

  • left - Offset from the left as a fraction between 0 and 1.
  • top - Offset from the top as a fraction between 0 and 1.
  • zoom - Zoom factor.
  • rotate - Rotation in degrees.



Moves the canvas by a set distance instantly.

x : {float} - Offset from the left as a fraction between 0 and 1.

y : {float} - Offset from the top as a fraction between 0 and 1.



Moves the canvas to a set position instantly.

x : {float} - Offset from the left as a fraction between 0 and 1.

y : {float} - Offset from the top as a fraction between 0 and 1.



Magnifies the canvas by a set distance instantly.

factor : {float} - Zoom factor between 1 and as high as the bitmap allows.



Magnifies the canvas to a set position instantly.

factor : {float} - Zoom factor between 1 and as high as the bitmap allows.



Rotates the canvas by a set number of degrees.

angle : {float} - A rotation between 0 and 359.



Rotates the canvas to a set number of degrees.

angle : {float} - A rotation between 0 and 359.


This work is licensed under a MIT License. The latest version of this and other scripts by the same author can be found on Github.