
Overlays a full screen preview of a thumbnail.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

photozoom.js: Photo Zoom

DEPRICATION WARNING: the functionality in this script has been superceeded / trivialised by updated web standards.

Overlays a full screen preview of a thumbnail.

How to include the script

The stylesheet is best included in the header of the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/photozoom.css"/>

This include can be added to the header or placed inline before the script is invoked.

<script src="lib/requests.js"></script>
<script src="lib/gestures.js"></script>
<script src="js/photozoom.js"></script>

Or use Require.js.

], function(requests, Gestures, Photozoom) {

Or use imported as a component in existing projects.

@import {requests = require('lib/requests.js";
@import {Gestures = require('lib/gestures.js";
@import {Photozoom} from "js/photozoom.js";

How to start the script

var photozoom = new Photozoom({
	'elements' : document.querySelectorAll('#photozoom a'),
	'container' : document.body,
	'zoom' : 2,
	'sizer' : 'php/imagesize.php?src={src}',
	'slicer' : 'php/imageslice.php?src={src}&{size}',

'elements' : {array} - A collection of target elements.

'container' : {element} - Restrict the popup to a container.

'zoom' : {number} - Maximum zoom factor for the touch controls.

'sizer' : {string} - Optional web-service for measuring images. An example is provided as ./php/imagesize.php.

'slicer' : {string} - Optional web-service for resizing images. An example is provided as ./php/imageslice.php.

How to control the script



Shows the popup belonging to instance.



Hides the popup.

How to build the script

This project uses node.js from http://nodejs.org/

This project uses gulp.js from http://gulpjs.com/

The following commands are available for development:

  • npm install - Installs the prerequisites.
  • gulp import - Re-imports libraries from supporting projects to ./src/libs/ if available under the same folder tree.
  • gulp dev - Builds the project for development purposes.
  • gulp dist - Builds the project for deployment purposes.
  • gulp watch - Continuously recompiles updated files during development sessions.
  • gulp serve - Serves the project on a temporary www server at http://localhost:8500/.
  • gulp php - Serves the project on a temporary php server at http://localhost:8500/.


This work is licensed under a MIT License. The latest version of this and other scripts by the same author can be found on Github.