E-commerce API

The project is a part of Integrify's Node.js backend module 2024.

We as a group, Woong, Roshan and Ganesh, simulated E-commerce API and try to provide a good collection of REST APIs between users and server transactions.

Each entity basically have a CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations but also a special access only for ADMIN.

This is built with Typescript, Node, Express and MongoDB.


ERD Diagram

We have structured base entities

  • Users

  • Products

  • Categories

  • Orders

  • OrderItems

Getting started


  • node ^19.2.0
  • npm ^9.2.0

Make sure you have npm installed globally.

1.Clone the project:

$ git clone https://github.com/Woongsik/e-commerce-api.git
$ cd e-commerce-api

2.Install and run:

$ npm install    # Install project dependencies
$ npm run start  # Compile and launch on local environment

3. Navigate to http://localhost:8080


For security, this API should implement user authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Each user should have a unique username and password OR broker authentication. Certain admin endpoints may require special privileges for access.


  1. Products

    • Get list of all products with/without pagination(limit, offset)
    • Get list of products, filtering (search) by: name, categories, size
    • Get a product by product id
  2. Categories

    • Get list of all categories
    • Get a category by category id
  3. Users

    • Sign up a new user (username, password, first name, last name, email, address)
    • Sign in user with email/password
    • Update user profile (first name, last name, email)
    • Forget password request
    • Change password (username, old password, new password)
  4. Order

    • Get list of all orders
    • Get list of all user's order
    • Get a user's order by order ID
  5. Admin

    • Change a User's role to Admin or Customer,
    • Change a User's active to Active or Inactive
    • Create a new category, update, remove
    • Create a new product, update, remove

Additional Features

  1. Welcoming email 
     - When new user is registered, welcoming email is sent 
     - [Mailersend](https://www.mailersend.com/)

  2. Google account login
     - User is able to use their google account to login/registeration
     - Welcoming email generate an initial password for email/passowrd login
  3. Email check if already in use
     - Email address will be checked if it is in use already before sending all user info for registration
  4. Admin check 
     - The Admin role will be given only accpeted/registered email 
     - ie. 
           admin@mail.com (just for testing purpose in the project)


For the testing, Jest, Supertest, MongoDB memory server are used.

Check test code in src/tests

$ npm run test


The API is live now hosted by RENDER Check the live link here https://fs17-backend-b5i2.onrender.com