Week 1 Assignment

This assignment aims to practice HTML, CSS and SASS


Create an e-commerce website

  1. Git/GitHub
  • create a simple README file to introduce yourself
  • submit the assignment by open a pull request (PR)
  • make the repository public
  • add label to your PR
  1. HTML and Accessibility
  • Make use of different tags: headings, paragraphs, link, italic, ordered list, unordered list,table, form
  • Check out more tags that might be helpful: address, section, article, audio
  1. CSS
  • add styling to the HTML file using Flexbox and Grid
  • add basic animation (hover effect, active link styles, typing effect)
  • the web page does not need to be fully responsive, but at least you should have responsive scaling for Flexbox and Grid system.
  1. SASS
  • apply SAAS to current project. Make sure to at least use variables and mixins
  1. Other
    • Deploy the project
    • Write a readme file to describe your project with few more details