Secure Network Anomaly Real Time detection (SNART) is a network anomaly detection
system specifically targetted at networks which enforce IPsec VPN throughout the
network. It counts and logs any packets which do not fall within a valid IKEv2 tunnel
with valid packet properties.
sudo ./
Some explanation in code but in general:
NAT-T used by IPsec uses UDP port 4500, IKE_SA_INIT uses UDP port 500
Using next payload number and exchange type in IKE header, can identify data stored within IKE packet
- Fix bug where timeout will not remove tunnels
- Capturing of IKE headers and ESP headers.
- Finding out payload type found within IKE headers using the next payload number.
- Storing tunnels based on ip, spis
- Can identify successful/unsuccessful ike exchanges
- Can identify ike session ending
- Can identify dead pear(theorectical, havent test yet)
- Use SPI and sequence numebers to find out sus packets
- Flagging tcp packets and udp thats not port 500 and 4500
- Proper logging to file
- Saving tunnels such that if program crashes or terminated, can resume with tunnels that exists before termination
- Tunnels will only be saved when initiator,responder spi from the isakmp header, client and host esp spi and client and host address are collected