This gem adds a new "Terms and Conditions" step to your Order Checkout Flow. The user is required to mark an checkbox to validate that he/she read and accepted your Terms and Conditions.
In Germany you're legally required to let the user mark a checkbox for your Terms and Conditions (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen / Datenschutzerklärung). Only if the user checked an previously unchecked checkbox, the acceptance of your Terms and Conditions is valid.
If you're searching for a simpler solution without the checkbox step, you should take a look at this extension: frankmt/spree_terms_and_conditions
Add spree_better_terms_and_conditions to your Gemfile:
gem 'spree_better_terms_and_conditions', git: '', branch: 'master'
Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:
bundle exec rails g spree_better_terms_and_conditions:install
First bundle your dependencies, then run rake
. rake
will default to building the dummy app if it does not exist, then it will run specs. The dummy app can be regenerated by using rake test_app
bundle exec rake
When testing your applications integration with this extension you may use it's factories. Simply add this require statement to your spec_helper:
require 'spree_better_terms_and_conditions/factories'
Copyright (c) 2014 [name of extension creator], released under the New BSD License