
TODO - Evaluate repository workflow/structure for commits and releases.

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Feature Description
A clear and concise description of what the feature is.

Reason for feature
A clear and concise explanation of why this feature would be beneficial and extends Hierarchy Decorators functionality.

Going ahead with a workflow similar to the git-flow model.

master is the main branch and where all release versions will end up.
development will be used to merge all features and smaller branches (if any where required). It will then push into a release-x branch to add final changes like metadata for the package. development will also be used for patch release fixes if required.
release-x branches will merge back into development and also into master when final. The commit into master will be tagged so that it is known when this version came out.
feature-x branches will be used to handle new and/or improved systems. When a feature is fully finished, it will be merged into development.

Feature branches will be removed when they are no longer needed, but release branches will never be deleted.