
Feature Request - Activation Swiping

Razenpok opened this issue ยท 8 comments

Feature Description
Another (now-archived) hierarchy-enchancing plugin Smart Hierarchy does a cool thing with activation checkbox which is activation swiping. Basically, dragging mouse across several checkboxes with LMB down bulk-toggles these checkboxes. You can read more about it here

Reason for feature
It was really useful back when I was using that package.

By the way, there is a bunch of other cool features implemented in that plugin (like Hover Preview), so I recommend checking it out for inspiration (if you need one ๐Ÿ˜‰)

Hey there Razen,

I think this is a brilliant idea and I encourage any ideas that have or haven't existed in other plugins ๐Ÿ‘ I don't like directly copying features and I'd rather enhance or extend them if possible.

In another feature request - #20 - multi-select on a much simpler form has been requested. After some things have been checked off the list I'll be doing some additional features to the hierarchy and these are the sort of features I'm totally on board for.

I've looked at Smart Hierc a little but not taken a deep dive as much as I'd have liked to.

I'll keep this open and I'll pin this too as I think this is a really good addition ๐Ÿ™‚
Cheers for the request, appreciate it

I've implemented some basic activation swiping that also undo's nicely ๐Ÿ™‚
I've been thinking of the different states that can come up like in Smart Hierarchy i.e. same active state, if any are selected, only toggle them etc.

I'm considering adding some form of direct multi-select toggle too, where you can directly toggle all after multi-selection.

Any thoughts?


Selection only toggles - active state checks have been disabled in this one so all could be toggled


Depth-only toggling


Hey WooshiiDev

same active state


Selection only toggles


Depth-only toggling


Looks good to me!

Added the settings to the Scriptable Object - take note there is a redesign to the settings but this will be how it appears until then.


I've added depth toggle options for more flexibility - you never know when they'll be useful ๐Ÿ™‚


I'll make a release specifically for this so it includes the new toggle system when the feature has been pushed to the v0.9 branch.

Been a while, but finished this feature, pushing to v0.9 soon ๐Ÿ‘

Oooh, nice, looking forward to it ๐Ÿš€