
Bug - Custom icons do not show immediately

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Current Unity version used

Describe the bug
When disabling Show All Icons, adding a new custom icon doesn't take effect until you add another.

To Reproduce (If applicable)

  • Disable Show All Icons
  • Add a component in the Custom tab
  • ???
  • Profit


Additional context
I have tried adjusting other settings, like disabling the component icon and re-enabling it again, switching back to Show All Icons and back off again, nothing works. The only thing that seems to fix it, is adding a new custom icon - which you then have to delete again because it's not necessary to have a duplicate.

Cheers for reporting this! I probably would not have noticed this for some time 😓

The checks for custom types do not update the data stored unless the component field was previously null. As I'm rewriting the settings I'll make sure to note this for upcoming development.

I've released a new hotfix v0.8.8 with this fixed.


Seems to work on my end! Thanks for the fix. Fantastic package btw

Issue closed as bug has been confirmed as fixed.