
Bug - Objects with hidden children have an unusable unfold arrow

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Current Unity version used
Unity 2021.3.7f1 Personal

Describe the bug
Objects with hidden children still have the "unfold" arrow drawn, but it cannot be used. The arrow should most likely not be shown at all in this case.

To Reproduce (If applicable)
Select an object in the hierarchy and run the following editor script:

new GameObject("hidden")
    hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave,
    transform =
        parent = Selection.activeGameObject.transform

The selected object will now have a hidden child and display the unfold arrow.

For example:
The children of this Cinemachine object are (most likely) hidden.

Cheers for this. Yeah this is something I had not considered (and I've not used cinemachine in a while too).
I think some extra settings would be cool for showing hidden objects.

I do have editor flags planned, but I could bump them up to get this sorted, or make a quick fix for the time being.

For now, I'll fix this as a bug, then get editor flags on the priority list as this has came up.

Appreciate it yilly! ✨

Hey Yills,
should be fixed now pushed to both master & develop.

Let me know if it works for you!