
Feature Request - Playmaker Icon suppurt

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Feature Description
I found PlaymakerFSM component icon didn't show as expected.
Could you support it?

Hi there,
is the icon not appearing for you when custom icons are selected?

Does it not appear for you when Custom icons are on automatically (shown here from the icon tab)

What currently appears for you?

I've also pushed some fixes to the main and develop branches today, so if you're using HD directly as a package, I'd try pulling and seeing if things now work.

Let me know how you get on 👍

Hi, thanks for reply.
I think I enable custom icon in the Icon Selection.
like below, the playmaker's icon was shown a "dll icon" (Not sure if it's called that).

Is it because of the dll?
PlayMakerFSM was in the PlayMaker.dll file