
Woosmap Cartridge to integrate Woosmap Store Locator Widget into SFCC storefront

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Woosmap’s Link Cartridge add to your Salesforce Commerce Cloud website an advanced Store Locator Widget.

To match your preferences and website’s graphic style, all the properties of your Store Locator Widget can be customised through the Salesforce Business Manager.

This document provides technical instructions for using the Woosmap SFCC Cartridges to integrate the Woosmap Store Locator Widget into the SFCC storefront.

Store locator


Term Description
SFCC SalesForce Commerce Cloud
Business Manager (BM) The primary tool used to configure the SFCC platform and customer storefront
SFRA StoreFront Reference Architecture

Component Overview

Functional Overview

The Woosmap cartridge allows the customer to connect to a customized Store Locator displaying stores on a map. Woosmap cartridge replaces the internal SFCC Store Locator with the Woosmap Store Locator Widget.

The following cartridges are available to integrate with your SFCC storefronts:

Cartridge Name Description
int_woosmap Handles the display of the Woosmap Store Locator Widget in your SFCC website.
bm_woosmap Allows you to customise the Woosmap Store Locator Widget look and feel to match your preferences and website’s graphic style.

Limitations, Constraints

Use of the Woosmap cartridges requires keys from Woosmap. Please register on woosmap and contact Woosmap customer service.


The Woosmap cartridges does not collect and process user profile information. For additional privacy information, please contact your Woosmap Account Manager.

Implementation Guide

Importing cartridges Using the CLI

The CLI used here is sgmf-scripts. You could also upload the cartridges using dw-utils or extensions for IntelliJ IDEA, VS code and Eclipse.

  1. Download the cartridge source from the Partner Marketplace.
  2. Unzip the directory
  3. Install the dependencies from the unzipped directory.
cd /folder/SalesforceCommerceCloud-link_woosmap-...
npm install
  1. Create a config file called dw.json in the directory that contains the cartridges, and add the following content:
  "hostname": "<*.demandware.net (without https/http)>",
  "username": "<username>",
  "password": "<password>",
  "code-version": "<code-version>"
  • hostname is the hostname you use to access your sandbox, for example "zzte-003.sandbox.us02.dx.commercecloud.salesforce.com",
  • username and password are your account manager email and password,
  • code-version is the name of the active code version in Administration → Code Deployment. For example, "SFRA_UPC_05_04_2021".
  1. Upload the cartridges by executing the following command.
npm run uploadCartridge
  1. Verify that the Woosmap cartridges are correctly uploaded by going to Administration → Development Setup → Folder Browser → Cartridges.

Enable the cartridges on your site

  1. Go to Administration → Sites → Manage Sites and select your desired site from the Storefront Site list: Select StoreFront Site

  2. Go to the Settings tab. If your site is based on SFRA, add int_woosmap at the beginning of your cartridge path. Int Cartridge Path

Next, add the cartridge to the Business Manager:

  1. Go back to Administration → Sites → Manage Sites and click on Manage the Business Manager Site. BM Cartridge

  2. Go to the Settings tab, and add bm_woosmap:int_woosmap at the end of your cartridge path. BM Cartridge Path

Import metadata

The metadata linked to the cartridge contain mandatory Custom Preferences for Woosmap as well as default behaviour to access the store locator page (a link in the footer).

Before uploading the metadata to your SFCC storefront, adapt the following to youir site:

  1. Under metadata/woosmap/libraries, rename the folder RefArchSharedLibrary to match the ID of your library.
  2. Open the metadata/woosmap/libraries/RefArchSharedLibrary/library.xml file and rename the library-id attribute to match your own.
  3. Under metadata/woosmap/sites, rename the folder RefArch to match the id of your site.
  4. Compress as a Zip file the metadata folder metadata/woosmap.

You can then upload your metadata.

  1. Go to Administration → Site Development → Site Import & Export, and upload the woosmap.zip archive from the metadata folder.

  2. To import woosmap.zip, select the radio button next to it and click the import button. Metadata Import

  3. Check the import is successful. Metadata Import Success

After import is successfully done, you should see the new Woosmap Custom Preferences in Merchant Tools → Site Preferences → Custom Preferences → Woosmap. Custom Prefs

Select Woosmap and you should see fields for cartridge setup. Custom Prefs

Field Description
Enable Woosmap Store Locator Widget Activate Woosmap Store Locator Widget in your website
Woosmap Public Api Key* Public Api Key for Woosmap
Mobile Break Point Render Store Locator Widget in Mobile View when client screen is under this value (in pixel)
Store Locator Widget Configuration JSON description of Store Locator Widget configuration

Activate the Business Manager Extension

In order to access the BM Woosmap Extension and configure your preferences, you need to give administrator roles access to this module.

  1. Go to Administration → Organization → Roles & Permissions, and click on the Administrator role. Admin Role

  2. Switch to the Business Manager Modules tab, select your site name (e.g. RefArch for example), and click Apply.

  3. Check the checkbox for Woosmap and click Update button Admin Role

A new menu should now appear in Merchants Tools. Menu Merchants

To configure the Woosmap Store Locator Widget through the BM extension go to Merchants Tools → Woosmap → Store Locator Widget Config. BM Extension


Check integration test in folder test/integration/woosmap and unit test in folder test/unit/woosmap.

Operations, Maintenance

Stores data come from Woosmap APIs. No Stores Data are hosted on SFCC.

User Guide

Business Manager

See Implementation Guide,

Storefront Functionality

See Component Overview → Functional Overview section.

Known Issues

No known issues

Release History

Version Date Change
22.1.0 2022-04-22 Initial release