Kili Boilerplate

Kili Boilerplate is a modern WordPress stack that helps you get started with the best theme development tools and project structure.


  • Better folder structure
  • Dependency management with Composer
  • Easy WordPress configuration with environment specific files
  • Environment variables with Dotenv
  • Autoloader for mu-plugins (use regular plugins as mu-plugins)
  • Enhanced security (separated web root and secure passwords with wp-password-bcrypt)



  1. Download the latest release and setup.

  2. Copy .env.example to .env and update environment variables:

  • DB_NAME - Database name
  • DB_USER - Database user
  • DB_PASSWORD - Database password
  • DB_HOST - Database host
  • WP_ENV - Set to environment (development, staging, production)
  • WP_HOME - Full URL to WordPress home (
  • AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, LOGGED_IN_KEY, NONCE_KEY, AUTH_SALT, SECURE_AUTH_SALT, LOGGED_IN_SALT, NONCE_SALT If you want to automatically generate the security keys you can search for an online salt generator (

Starting the app

  1. You can start the app with Composer, this will launch the required containers:
$ composer install
  1. Run Pilothouse or Mamp Pro

  2. Go to the url server for example to start installing WordPress

Staging Deploy

Production Deploy
