PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions
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Add sniff to warn about missing `$autoload` parameter when calling relevant WordPress option functions
#2473 opened by felixarntz - 3
WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput: Wiki misses hint about lower case entry for customEscapingFunctions
#2508 opened by datengraben - 1
- 1
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AbstractFunctionRestrictionsSniff::is_targetted_token() incorrectly treats first class callable as a function call
#2478 opened by rodrigoprimo - 0
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Benefiting from WPCS without formatting
#2497 opened by szepeviktor - 4
Support Attribute classes.
#2486 opened by hovotbf - 0
Sniff to check that test class names and test file names comply with PHPUnit naming conventions
#2484 opened by jrfnl - 1
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PrefixAllGlobalsSniff: extend blocklist
#2481 opened by swissspidy - 4
PrefixAllGlobalsSniff: always flag blocked prefixes
#2480 opened by swissspidy - 4
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Add detection of default arguments to functions e.g. ! isset( $args[ 'numberposts' ] ) && get_posts( $args )
#2461 opened by claimableperch - 1
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WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.MissingUnslash does not accept stripslashes()
#2402 opened by Oreolek - 0
Discourage the use of PHP Sessions
#2475 opened by apermo - 0
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The "previous" exception object can not be escaped
#2447 opened by gmazzap - 0
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Document how to write XML documentation files
#2462 opened by GaryJones - 2
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Rules for space indentation instead of tabs, specifically in multiline arrays
#2448 opened by pdewouters - 6
Forbid the addition of new magic class methods
#2445 opened by anton-vlasenko - 4
Proper and standard use of $wpdb->prepare
#2442 opened by farhadsakhaei - 4
should PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature.Indent be applied on javascript files ?
#2441 opened by naveen17797 - 2
_escaped, _safe or _clean
#2440 opened by hupe13 - 2
ERROR: Referenced sniff "Universal.NamingConventions.NoReservedKeywordParameterNames" does not exist
#2435 opened by picard102 - 4
Exclude patterns in .phpcs.xml.dist not honored
#2433 opened by mackensen - 3
MariaDB generating error when we are using %s as placeholder for table name when CS(code sniffer) suggest to used %s instead %i
#2434 opened by crathod-io - 5
phpcs: The "WordPress" coding standard is not installed. Please review your configuration an try again.
#2427 opened by brothman01 - 0
Gravatar: Default image requests to the Gravatar service will result in a warning
#2426 opened by henrywright - 4
Switch Dependency from squizlabs/php_codesniffer to PHPCSStandards/PHP_CodeSniffer
#2425 opened by kopepasah - 2
The PHP `declare` construct
#2422 opened by henrywright - 3
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Whitespace added before binary or operators
#2403 opened by kkmuffme - 6
WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared flagging $this->table_name but not $wpdb->table_name
#2401 opened by smileBeda - 4
WordPress.Arrays.MultipleStatementAlignment.DoubleArrowNotAligned suddenly wanting _unaligned_ arrows
#2400 opened by smileBeda - 4
The $domain parameter must be a single text string literal. Found: self::$text_domain
#2398 opened by abhij89 - 4
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wpcs is not recognized
#2394 opened by AlchemyUnited - 3
Indentation of multi-line function in JavaScript
#2395 opened by helgatheviking - 12
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ERROR: Referenced sniff "PHPCSUtils" does not exist
#2380 opened by alanef - 7
PHPCSutils_ Refernce_Error
#2379 opened by zakitekhqs - 9
WordPressCS 3.0: Fatal error: Cannot declare class WordPressCS\WordPress\Sniffs\Files\FileNameSniff
#2375 opened by dawidurbanski - 4