
CI: add an xml formatting check for docs files

jrfnl opened this issue · 6 comments

jrfnl commented

See the conversation here: #2334 (comment)

Basically we'd need a little (bash or otherwise) script to gather the files in the WordPress/Docs directory and then run the following command against each file with XMLLINT_INDENT set to (four) spaces.

diff -B --tabsize=4 ./WordPress/Docs/Cat/SniffNameStandard.xml <(xmllint --format "./WordPress/Docs/Cat/SniffNameStandard.xml")

Hey @jrfnl 👋
I am interested in contributing to this issue. I read through the conversation and I understand the gist of the issue.

I have come up with the following bash script which recursively goes through all the folders in the Wordpress/Docs and runs the command diff -B --tabsize=4 "$file" <(xmllint --format "$file")



export XMLLINT_INDENT="    "

process_xml_files() {
    local dir="$1"
    echo "Processing directory: $dir"

    if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then
        echo "Directory $dir does not exist."

    # Loop through each file in the directory
    for file in "$dir"/*; do
        if [ -d "$file" ]; then
            # If the file is a directory, then recurse into it
            process_xml_files "$file"
        elif [[ "$file" == *.xml ]]; then
            # If the file is an XML file, run the diff command
            echo "Processing file: $file"
            diff -B --tabsize=4 "$file" <(xmllint --format "$file")
            echo "Skipping non-XML file: $file"

process_xml_files "$ROOT_DIR"

Here's a pastebin link for easy viewing https://pastebin.com/VxKB5krb

I tested this script locally by mimicking the Wordpress/Docs folder structure and it successfully shows the diff between the formatted and unformatted file.

This script just shows the diff and does not update the xml file. Let me know if that is needed to be implemented! I will create a PR if everything is correct.

Hi @viditagrawal56, thank you for your interest in helping us figure this out.

Would the above script work cross-platform ? I.e. would it be able to run on both *nix systems as well as Windows ? that would be helpful to allow contributors to run the script locally.

Another question I'm wondering about: How difficult would it be to create this as a bash script with a parameter for the path(s) to check ?
If that would be an option, it would be great if this could be turned into a script which would be re-usable, not just by WPCS, but also by something like PHPCSExtra, PHPCompatibility and even PHP_CodeSniffer itself.

If so, it might be best to create this as a new feature in PHPCSDevTools. What do you think ?

Would the above script work cross-platform ? I.e. would it be able to run on both *nix systems as well as Windows ? that would be helpful to allow contributors to run the script locally.

The script that I wrote works only on Unix-like systems because of the following reasons:-

  1. The script is a Bash script and Windows does not natively support Bash scripts.

  2. xmllint is part of libxml2 and is not included by default on Windows and needs to be installed separately.

Although WSL can be used for these problems.

Another question I'm wondering about: How difficult would it be to create this as a bash script with a parameter for the path(s) to check ?

It's actually pretty straightforward, Here`s the code that for bash script that takes path(s) as parameter.


export XMLLINT_INDENT="    "

process_xml_files() {
    local dir="$1"

    echo "Processing directory: $dir"

    if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then
        echo "Directory $dir does not exist."

    # Loop through each file in the directory
    for file in "$dir"/*; do
        if [ -d "$file" ]; then
            # If the file is a directory, then recurse into it
            process_xml_files "$file"
        elif [[ "$file" == *.xml ]]; then
            # If the file is an XML file, run the diff command
            echo "Processing file: $file"
            diff -B --tabsize=4 "$file" <(xmllint --format "$file")
            echo "Skipping non-XML file: $file"

# Check if at least one argument is passed
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Please provide path(s) to the directory"
    echo "Usage: $0 path1 [path2 ... pathN]"
    exit 1

# Loop through all the arguments (paths)
for path in "$@"; do
    process_xml_files "$path"

Here's pasetbin link for easy viewing https://pastebin.com/EmpErJX5

It's all same at the start with just an addition for checking if args are provided or not and then calling the function for each path at the bottom.

If that would be an option, it would be great if this could be turned into a script which would be re-usable, not just by WPCS, but also by something like PHPCSExtra, PHPCompatibility and even PHP_CodeSniffer itself.

If so, it might be best to create this as a new feature in PHPCSDevTools. What do you think ?

Yeah, I think that would be a great idea!

The solution for the cross platform problem of this script is to use wsl, even then libxml2 would be needed to be installed manually if its not already installed. Although I think that we can include a step to install libxml2 automatically in the script.

What do you think @jrfnl?

@viditagrawal56 Sorry, I was out of the office for few days. I do have some more points/questions/suggestions, but am happy to proceed with this. Would you like to open a PR in the PHPCSDevTools repo ? We can talk through the rest of the implementation details there.

@viditagrawal56 I've opened a ticket in the DevTools repo to continue this discussion: PHPCSStandards/PHPCSDevTools#145