WordPress.org Developer Blog

This repository is home to the block theme that powers the WordPress Developer Blog. The theme is a child theme of wporg-parent-2021.



  • Docker
  • Node/npm
  • Yarn
  • Composer


  1. Set up repo dependencies.

    yarn setup:tools
  2. Build the assets. The theme can't be activated until this step is done.

    yarn workspaces run build
  3. Start the local environment.

    yarn wp-env start
  4. Run the setup script.

    yarn setup:wp
  5. Visit site at localhost:8888.

  6. Log in with username admin and password password.

Environment management

These must be run in the project's root folder, not in theme/plugin subfolders.

  • Stop the environment.

    yarn wp-env stop
  • Restart the environment.

    yarn wp-env start
  • SSH into docker container.

    yarn wp-env run wordpress bash
  • Run wp-cli commands. Keep the wp-cli command in quotes so that the flags are passed correctly.

    yarn wp-env run cli "post list --post_status=publish"
  • Update composer dependencies and sync any repo-tools changes.

    yarn update:tools